The studio team took part in the “Animation Gathering”.
Alena Sycheva, General Director of Paranoid Animation, and Kirill Kiychenko, Director of Studio Development, together with Boris Mashkotsev, Director of the Soyuzmultfilm Studio, author of the animated series “The Spirit of My Dorm”, co-director of the Phoenix Studio, Lina Koleva, Director of the Parovoz Studio, Anton Smetankin, and Director of the BezSten Studio, Olga Arginbaeva, were looking for a “Balance between Authorship and Producing”.
The participants in the discussion discussed the possibilities of balancing the desire to maximize the author’s ambitions and the commercial opportunities of domestic animation studios. It turned out that the differences between the author’s and producer’s approaches to creating animated films are not so critical, and there are many points of contact between interests.
Director of Soyuzmultfilm studio Boris Mashkovtsev with employees of Paranoid Animation Studio: development director Kirill Kiychenko, lead artist Polina Merkulova, general director Alena Sycheva, lead artist-animator Maria Odintsova.